“This fact I seared into my mind so I could remember the road to success can be navigated without changing zip codes.”

Happy I made my way to this essay. It’s something I think about a lot because I haven’t been traveling since I left my job, which feels like the expected and typical route. Surprised to hear this take! I like it.

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Ahh knowing you liked it made my afternoon! Just trying to shake off common expectations

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I really like this and feel that you're giving voice to the (likely) silent majority. I guess you don't need to be living out of a van to feel like you're living life to the fullest!

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Exactly! Appreciate your comment Kiera, thank you

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The honesty in that opening, Catalina! "As if the insecurities I already have are not enough, I collect a few more each week, given to me for free by strangers." Love, love , love. Also, "Location be damned." <3

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Thank you, Alissa! I'm reaaaally happy you liked it!

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Wow, this really hits home. "I am an expert at comparing myself with people I don’t know. As if the insecurities I already have are not enough, I collect a few more each week, given to me for free by strangers."

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You instantly hooked me with this opener... "I am an expert at comparing myself with people I don’t know." I can certainly relate.

Tommy and I talk about this a lot. Should we plant roots or continue life on the road? Both lives have their own advantages and drawbacks, but as you so saliently point out, personal growth is not a 12-hour flight away. Our problems won't be solved by uprooting nor will our lives be instantly transformed by changing coordinates.

We're always missing out on what our life could be (the infinite possibilities) by choosing what our life is (the one reality). That's the beauty of commitment -- we rule out everything else for the one (person, place, job, etc.) we choose.

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"We're always missing out on what our life could be by choosing what our life is." Love that. Thank you for sharing your point of view, Jack. So glad you liked the essay.

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Wow Catalina. I seriously loved this.

“I am an expert at comparing myself with people I don’t know. As if the insecurities I already have are not enough, I collect a few more each week, given to me for free by strangers.” So true.

This is something I’ve thought a ton about. I’ve been travelling and it’s nice to explore but I crave a sense of home, familiarity.

I have a deep felt sense that the true rewards in life come from commitment, sinking in. You’re not missing out on anything :)

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Thank you so much, Tommy. Means a lot. I wondered about your point of view since you have been traveling for a while. Glad you liked it!

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Certainly not a utopia... just different.

Loved it!

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Well said, well thought and beautifully put into words. I agree with everything you wrote. All roads lead to Rome.

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